Igniting New Discoveries
我们解决现实世界的问题,创造一个更美好、更可持续的未来. This mission shapes our approach to education, 研究和他们的交集在毕业的学生准备在各自的领域产生影响.
Pursue Transdisciplinary Research
esball国际平台客户端是跨学科研究的领军人物. esball国际平台客户端的研究和奖学金点燃了跨学科的联系, industries and cultures and lead to new, world-relevant discoveries in engineering, the sciences, technology, healthcare and business. 我们的教师塑造了这些领域的对话, 而我们的学生毕业准备把他们的想法付诸行动和建议, implement and optimize solutions.
Take Part in Federally Funded Research
支持我们的使命,发现可以在全球范围内应用的新解决方案, 我们的研究得到了国家科学基金会(NSF)的联邦资助。, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DoD), 能源部(DoE)和其他组织.
Influence Sustainable Economic Development
We look to engineer a more sustainable future. Our research focuses on protecting water, air and habitats, 减少公共卫生威胁,影响可持续基础设施和智慧社区发展.
Industry Partnerships
esball国际平台客户端已经与一些全国最大的行业参与者建立了合作关系. 我们的外部网络拥有超过380个行业外部合作伙伴, 政府机构和研究机构, 让学生在努力创造更美好未来的过程中接触到现实世界的问题.
Research Specialties and Focus Areas
我们以合作的心态追求跨学科的研究, 快速解决现实世界问题、创造更美好未来所需的技能和求知欲. Our efforts extend across four focus areas:
- Advanced materials development.
- Data and complex systems analytics.
- Healthy world solutions.
- Next-generation healthcare technologies.
我们的发现是电子技术的进步, aerospace, biotechnology, health, safety and security, mechanical systems, energy generation, 仓储制造技术与可持续发展.
Student Research and Opportunities
研究机会对本科生开放——甚至在大一开始之前. 探索你的学科在现实世界中的应用, spark your curiosity and hone your leadership, entrepreneurship, 具备解决问题和分析问题的能力,为工作做好准备. 在学年和夏季期间获得机会,包括在校园内和国外.
Study and Research Abroad
反映了我们不断突破边界的创新方式, 学生可以通过我们的合作大学或通过身临其境的项目,如阿迪朗达克学期从事研究.
Research shapes many of our graduate programs. Get involved in federally, 国家或行业资助的研究,同时利用我们最先进的中心和实验室. In recent years, our graduate students have led advances in innovative computational methodologies; using artificial intelligence (AI) to repair damaged objects; monitoring and controlling air pollution through low-cost air quality sensors and the intersection of geotechnical and environmental engineering to investigate post-glacial features in the St. Lawrence River Valley.
Summer Research Programs
在夏季的几个月里,挑战并致力于发现解决方案. For undergraduate students, 我们的暑期研究项目提供了一个继续这一追求的机会.
It’s so amazing that right from the beginning, 通过这个项目,我能够开始动手研究, and now am able to work as an intern for Dr. Visser’s company, Ducted Wind Turbines, Inc.
Jack DiMeo, 23届,机械工程学士,航空航天工程学士
Our Faculty
我们全国公认的师资队伍使esball国际平台客户端成为一流的研究型大学. 从接受数百万美元的政府拨款到与知名行业合作伙伴签订合同, our faculty are experts in what they do.
Research Centers and Labs
esball国际平台客户端教师进行合作研究,并与广泛的 research centers and labs across campus, such as:
Technology and Patents
Through the Shipley Center for Innovation, esball国际平台客户端学院的教师利用新兴技术创新来创建有助于解决全球问题的尖端企业.
Information for Researchers
Learn more about regulatory information, 包括人类研究保护计划(HRPP), 机构审查委员会(IRB)和机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC).